our sponsors
Interested in helping support the team through sponsorships?
Check out our unique perks and information here!

Sponsorship Levels
Our team has several levels for all of our Sponsors. The more you sponsor us, the more we will recognize you on all of our material. We are still thankful for donations of all levels, but higher levels will have better perks.
Sponsorship Rewards
These are some examples of where your logo will be if you sponsor us. Bronze and up gets puts you on our shirt we will wear during competition events, and many members wear them as regular shirts as well.

(Your logo here)

(Your Logo Here)
Sponsorship Rewards
These are some examples of where your logo will be if you sponsor us. Robot level and up will be on the robot itself, on this back section here. There is no part of the robot that covers up this section, so all can see your logo on our robot.